The Rules.
Hi there! First and foremost, this group is private or invite-only for the time being. This site merely exists to chronicle our hijinks in Pinehurst, so thank you for stopping by and I hope you continue to enjoy it! As for members, here are some general rules to abide by to ensure that we can maximize silliness within reason. Please take a quick read-through!
1. Be respectful! This encompasses the standard rules of no hate speech, personal attacks, or derogatory language. Do be mindful of triggers, though accidents may occur. Spoiler or tag otherwise triggering or distressing material.
2. Be inclusive! Pinehurst is supposed to serve as a hub for friends. Please try to include individuals in conversations or events whenever possible!
3. No traced art! Heavily-referencing stock images or 3D models are a-okay, but there will be no tolerance for art theft. Application art can be commissioned or otherwise drawn by others with credit.
4. No god-modding! Please uphold standard roleplay etiquette. This includes no god-modding and meta-gaming if applicable. Be mindful of your partner’s boundaries when interacting in-character.
5. NSFW in appropriate channels! Yes, there will be an NSFW channel. While the occasional dirty joke may slip into general channels, keep all NSFW content in their respective channels.
6. Contact me! If any issues or disagreements arise. I’ll try my very best to rectify them as soon as I’m able.
Breaking these rules may subject you to removal from Pinehurst. Warnings will be administered in the case of a breach. Though, if a case is severe enough, you may be subject to immediate removal.