A Ribbiting Turn of Events!
Sunday, 30th April
The town of Pinehurst is experiencing an unusual influx of frogs in its waterways and green spaces. While the amphibians are not uncommon in the area, locals have noted a significant increase in their numbers and activity.
Residents have reported hearing loud croaking at night and seeing large groups of frogs congregating in certain areas. Some have even reported sightings of rare or exotic species of frogs in Pinehurst.
The cause of the sudden frog population boom is not yet clear. Some speculate that recent changes in the environment, such as increased rainfall or changes in temperature, may have triggered the frogs' breeding cycles. Others believe that the town's efforts to improve its wetland habitats may have inadvertently provided ideal conditions for the frogs to thrive.
While some residents find the frogs to be a charming addition to Pinehurst's natural landscape, others are concerned about potential negative impacts. Some worry that the frogs may carry diseases or disrupt local ecosystems, while others are simply annoyed by the noise.
The town council is monitoring the situation closely and encourages residents to report any unusual or concerning behavior by the frogs. For now, it seems that the town of Pinehurst will remain a haven for its newfound amphibian inhabitants.

Nutty Nuisances
Saturday, 29th April
In a surprising twist of fate, a group of squirrels have taken up residence in the town's main library, causing chaos for both patrons and staff.
The squirrels, which are believed to have entered the building through an open window, have been wreaking havoc in the library's stacks and study areas. Witnesses report seeing the furry critters climbing bookshelves, nibbling on books, and even chasing each other through the reading rooms.
Library staff have been struggling to keep the squirrels under control, using humane traps to catch and release the animals outside. However, the squirrels seem to have an endless supply of friends and continue to reappear in the library even after being removed.
Some residents find the squirrels to be a charming and amusing addition to the library's atmosphere, while others are concerned about the damage they may cause to the books and other materials. The library has advised patrons to keep a watchful eye on their belongings and to report any squirrel sightings to staff immediately.
The town council is currently exploring options to remove the squirrels permanently, while also ensuring their safety and well-being. In the meantime, the squirrels seem to be making themselves quite at home in Pinehurst's literary haven.